The pixie behind the wings

Who could offer better insight than a friend who has shared many moment of this journey? Through years of events, festivals, the birth of new creations, and the highs and lows along the way. In her own words, here is Saffrel:

“I first remember Shannon at a tiny mountain town art festival, she was the one with the cool booth on the other side of the field, where all the people were. When I saw her whimsical creations, I knew we had to be friends. She has such an overwhelming love for all things nature, and carries her beliefs into every project she touches. I have watched her adapt and evolve through the years, with a determination that few other people display all while maintaining integrity to her founding concepts.

She is also one of the hardest working people I know. The myth about a lazy artist could not be further from the truth. Her hands are constantly filled with wraps, wires, fabric and hot glue guns. I’m fairly certain that she dreams of creating her ear wings, probably waking up in the middle of the night to jot down ideas and pull out materials.

Shannon is also one of the most tenderhearted people I know. Do you remember Bob Ross? and his love for all the little creatures, especially squirels? That’s Shannon. Taking in stray cats, feeding the birds, the squirrels, probably the deer and dogs and maybe even bears, I am not sure at this point.

Shannon is very much who she presents herself as, completely dedicated to her craft, determined to make it work, reverent love for nature, protector of those in need and save small business woman doing it all herself.

Written by: Saffrel Kochon “


Birth of Litter Bug Kits


Crafting Conscious Creations